00:00 - 11:26 Intro 11:26 - 26:27 Chapter 1: Hopes and Illusions 26:27 - 52:42 Chapter 2: The Fight for Justice 51:42 - 1:01:29 Chapter 3: The Perfect Plan 1: 01:29 - 1:23:33 Chapter 4: Betrayal 1:23:33 - 1:49:42 Chapter 5: The People of the System 1:49:42 - 2:06:58 Chapter 6: The Inheritance As so many times in the last 35 years, we are again faced with a difficult choice. In our shaky democracy, searching for a president in a pool of candidates far from living up to the office has never been easy. But it becomes even more complicated if we take a good look at Romania today – a country of wasted hopes, mistrust and apathy. Whatever his name will be, the new president is, inevitably, the consequence of a decade not yet finished - the Iohannis decade. Going back ten years can be a painful exercise. It forces us to relive, but it helps us to understand. What happened to the hopes after the Collective? How was political power manifested beyond the thick walls of the Cotroceni Palace? Was I wrong or not to place high expectations on the shoulders of a president? What is left of the independence of the judiciary for which he took to the streets and which Klaus Iohannis used as an electoral springboard? To what dimensions has the power of the intelligence services in Romania quietly reached? We are at the end of ten years in which we, as a society, lacked vision, direction and above all explanations. That is why, as journalists, we considered that we ourselves have the duty to piece together, from relevant testimonies, what this last decade of our recent history meant. The Iohannis decade is one in which Justice, transparency and democracy had to lose in Romania. But beyond being ten years of power games and political arrangements, they are primarily also so many years of our lives. Ten years that we can only count as earned if we understand them. ------ A documentary by Anca Simina Editors: Cristian Delcea, Mihai Voinea Picture: David Muntean Editing: Ionuț Duinea, David Muntean Graphics: Teodora Preda Cover photo: Mediafax/Codrin Prisecaru