Marcos Petry's Diary of an Autistic Person brings in this video the first part of a conversation I had with Mayra Gaito, neuroscientist and specialist in child development! We endorse visible and invisible characteristics of autism and discuss them in this exciting conversation! SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL NOW AND LEAVE YOUR LIKE! ######## New video every Tuesday at 5pm. Live every Friday at 8:40pm. ######## My name is Marcos Petry and I am an autistic, writer, speaker, musician and content producer on this channel Diário de um Autista. My mission is to promote understanding about the Autism Spectrum and contribute to a more inclusive world. I have a Master's degree specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Child Behavior Institute of Miami. I wrote the books: Tales of Boys and Girls, Tales of Men and Women (2016), Memoirs of an Autistic Man by Himself vol l (2019) and Memoirs of an Autistic Man by Himself vol ll (2020). Help spread the word about the channel so that more people have access to this information! Thanks, bye! NOW SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND LEAVE YOUR LIKE NOW!