What is incurable in psychosis? What cure can be expected in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychoses? Freud warns us that the analyst should not give in to the Sanandi furor, because the cure only comes about as an addition, as a consequence of the analytical process. And Lacan tells us that the analyst cannot promise the impossible. More than technical indications, this is an ethical orientation. For this, it is essential that the analyst knew from the outset how to establish a diagnosis of the subject's clinical structure in order to direct his treatment. With which incurable will we have to deal: that of castration and the lack or foreclosure of the Name-of-the-Father? This is the preliminary question for all psychoanalytic treatment. Its starting point. And not its end point. The analyst must allow himself to be guided by the structure constituted by language and enjoyment, suffering and elation, bodily phenomena, enigmatic affects. An analysis that does not have therapeutic effects has no reason to exist. But its effects do not end there, because all psychoanalysis, regardless of the subjective structure of the sufferer, must be able to clarify the unconscious of which it is subject and produce an effect of truth that allows it to orient itself. The point of arrival is not an absolute cure, but rather being able to reach the real core of the symptom, the incurable part of the structure that keeps the Real, the Imaginary and the Symbolic linked. Register and participate in this open class with Antonio Quinet, Doctor, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, PhD in Philosophy and playwright. He is a Member Analyst of the School (AME) of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field, Adjunct Professor of the Master's and Doctorate of Psychoanalysis, Health and Society at UVA. He founded the Company Inconsciente em Cena, of which he is the director. He is a researcher at FAPERJ (Hilda & Freud research - collected words).