Psychoanalysis is a cure through love, and analysis teaches how to love. Symbolic love, the new love, as psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan said in Seminar XX, does not aim at the completeness of the being, but rather at its lack, causing the one who loves to elevate the loved one beyond what he or she appears to be. In this sense, love is the sublimation of desire, which, together with enjoyment, is linked in the triad love-desire-enjoyment, giving consistency to loving and being loved. Thus, to love is to offer the lack-in-being to those who also lack being. If it is with the lack that each one loves, desires and enjoys, the other may refuse the lack that is offered to him or her; hence the danger of love. Since to love is to give what one does not have, understanding that what one does not have is the phallus, the signifier of desire. What is the relationship between love and desire? Is love a complement or a substitute for the lack, the incompleteness of being? Is love of the order of being or of having? Is the relationship between a man and a woman a misunderstanding? In this lecture open to the public, we will discuss transference love in psychoanalysis and the analyst's desire with psychoanalyst Jorge Sesarino, PhD in Psychological Sciences from the University of Liège and member of the Escuela Freudiana de Buenos Aires. This lecture will mark the opening of the seminar on Love and the Formulas of Sexuation, where we will reinterpret Lacan's Seminar 20 on love. Register for free and participate live.