Even though it's a dangerous animal, it's so cute when you pet it!! This is North Safari Sapporo! Every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 5pm, we will upload videos of animals that you don't usually see on TV! If you like animals, please subscribe to our channel, click the like button, and comment! □North Safari Sapporo Homepage https://www.north-safari.com/ □Facebook Page / northsafarisapporo □Twitter / northsafari □Instagram / northsafarisapporo □TikTok https://vt.tiktok.com/kSRdGT/ □North Safari Sapporo x Mangaka collaboration goods can be found here https://nss-shop.com/ ★Inquiries★ [email protected] #NorthSafariSapporo #Raccoon #Armadillo #AsiaticBlackBear #Hyena #Zoo #Relaxing #Cute