One of the most common mistakes among swimmers is the famous “falling arm”, in more technical terms, the lack of support. This means that the arm that should remain in front for longer ends up lowering too early, which compromises the entire mechanics of the crawl stroke. This mistake is very common among beginners in swimming, and it is not exclusive to them; even more advanced swimmers are not exempt from making this mistake. There are several possible causes for the arm to fall too early, the crawl stroke technique itself is the first item. If the arm is performing a very weak pull or push, if the swimmer is recovering too slowly or with the arm too extended, the stroke technique will certainly be compromised. Other aspects such as incorrect kicking or an incorrect head position can also get in the way. For the crawl stroke to be more fluid, with good buoyancy and glide, it is always very important to maintain a constant swimming rhythm. When the swimmer's movement generates a good propulsion force, the body tends to stay closer to the surface of the water, which provides an advantage for the entire swimming technique. Want to know more about Nixie? Click on the link! https://www.nixieswim.com/?utm_source... #canalnadamais #swimming #swimmingcrawl