In this video, I go through different connectors found on charging cables and how to think when buying a new cable for your electric car. It's more about needs and what you have available where you charge than betting on high power, it can go wrong. Elsäkerhetsverket's Load the electric car: https://www.elsakerhetsverket.se/glob... Order a charging box from Laddboxbolaget: https://guidenomelbil.se/go/laddboxbo... Read more about Defa's charging cables here: https://www. defa.com/se/produkt/econn... -- GOOD LINKS -- Support me with a donation: https://guidenomelbil.se/donera/ Choose the right charging box: https://guidenomelbil.se/vilken-laddb... Guide to all electric car resources: https://guidenomelbil.se/resurser/ Range table: https://guidenomelbil.se/testad/rackv...