Barbie vs Bratz! https://youtu.be/A6EKXUdcE58/playlist... In Barbie vs Bratz! Extreme Nerd to Popular Girl Makeover! How to Become the Queen of the College by WHOA!, watch Barbie and Bratz go head-to-head in an epic makeover challenge. Both start out as nerdy, underdog students, but undergo extreme transformations to become the most popular girls on campus. Follow their journey as they compete for the title of Queen of the College, using their style, confidence and creativity to rise to the top. Who will win the ultimate makeover battle and claim the crown? Find out in this exciting and glamorous showdown! #barbie #bratz #transformationextreme Follow WooHoo Whoa: Subscribe: / @woohoowhoa Instagram: / woohoo_whoa Facebook: / woohoowhoa TikTok: / woohoo_whoa LIKEE: https://l.likee.video/p/TBt1DR WooHoo WHOA Arabic: / @woohoowhoaarabic WooHoo WHOA Chinese: / @woohoowhoacn WooHoo WHOA Dutch: / @woohoowhoadutch WooHoo WHOA Deutsch: / @woohoowhoade WooHoo WHOA English: / @woohoowhoa WooHoo WHOA Française: / @woohoowhoafr WooHoo WHOA HU: / @woohoowhoahu WooHoo WHOA India: / @woohoowhoaindia WooHoo WHOA Indonesia: / @woohoowhoaindonesia WooHoo WHOA Italia: / @woohoowhoaitalia WooHoo WHOA Japanese: / @woohoowhoajapan WooHoo WHOA Korea: / @woohoowhoakorea WooHoo WHOA Poland: / @woohoowhoapoland WooHoo WHOA Português: / @woohoowhoapt WooHoo WHOA RO: / @woohoowhoaro WooHoo WHOA Russian: / @woohoowhoa-ru WooHoo WHOA Español: / @woohoowhoaes WooHoo WHOA Thailand: / @woohoowhoathailand WooHoo WHOA Turkey: / @woohoowhoaturkey WooHoo WHOA Ukraine: / @woohoowhoaukr WooHoo WHOA Vietnam: / @woohoowhoavietnam Don't forget to turn on notifications, like and subscribe!