Lou! is an animated TV series, adapted from Julien Neel's best-sellers. "Lou!" depicts the life of a pre-teen girl today. Lou has never known her dad, and lives alone with her mom and the little cat they adopted. The two of them have a great bond, they play on the console, dine in pizzerias... Lou is in love with her neighbor across the street but, of course, doesn't dare tell him... She is a very fashionable little girl with a talent for styling. Her best friend is called Mina, and together they share a lot of things. Lou also thinks that Richard, who has just moved in on her landing, could very well please her mother. In fact, she will manage to get them to meet... Adapted from Julien Neel's albums published by Glénat Genre: Comedy / Sitcom Copyright: GO-N Productions http://www.go-n.fr/