Bakmi Amoy is very legendary, opened since 1980 in the culinary tourism area of Gang Gloria Pancoran Glodok. Open every day from 7 am to 5 pm. For the type of noodles, it is small and smooth, typical of the legendary classic noodles. Here there are several choices of types 1-2 toppings filled with chicken and minced pork Rp. 30,000, - 3 toppings filled with chicken + minced pork + (choose cassou / grilled / dumplings / meatballs) Rp. 40,000, - Special filled with all the toppings here Rp. 60,000, - Fried Meatballs Rp. 15,000, - Tim Rice Rp. 30,000, - Hainam Rice / Mixed Rice Rp. 60,000, - The characteristic of this noodle is the type of classic old taste noodles with a distinctive aroma typical of old-school noodles. For the chili, use thick chilies, not liquid chilies. According to my tongue and my wife, this noodle is delicious and recommended for friends to try. Bakmi Jadul Bakmi Lilik • The Legendary Old-School Bakmi Hidden In... #bakminonhalal #bakmiclubid #bakmiclub #bakmiamoy #culinarytourism #ganggloria #pancoranglodok #culinary #deliciousbakmie #bakmie