⭐️ With the code M3GA or with my link https://g4skins.com/ref/M3GA you will get a 5% more bonus when top-up and a free chest! ⭐️ ???? The funniest moments on Polish Twitch ???? ???? Creators: ???? Suchar / moczysuchar ???? RandomBruce / randombrucetv ???? Gangamurun / gangamurun ???? Remsua / remsua ???? Dejvid / dejvid_tibijski_zadymiarz ???? Pyka / pyka97 ???? Mikrocypek / mikrocypek1 ???? Gucio / h2p_gucio ???? Lempiank / lempiank ????Ortis /ortis ???? Nervarien /nervarien ???? Izak /isakooo ????Pago /pago3 ???? TechnikKowal / techniquekowalpl ???? Menders /menders_7 ???? K4rolinv /k4rolinv_ ????Pajalock / pajalockk ???? Patiro /patiro ???? Long john /xlong john ???? Mork / mork ???? Pashabiceps /pashabiceps ???? Rybson / rybsonlol_ ???? Paris Platynov / parisplatynov ???? Tuszol / tuszol ???? Popo /popo ???? Bagietson /mbagietson ???? Cygus /cygus134 ???? Enigma /enigmastreams ???? Kasix /kasix ???? Bonkol /bonkol ???? Amar /amar8ygg ???? English2k /anglik2k ???? Włodar / achtenwlodar ???? NOTE AT THE END OF THE EPISODE: ???? Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes (MOORAH Remix) - • Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel E... ???? ???? If you liked Funny Moments, please visit my channel for more ????: / m3gam3ga ???? Contact e-mail: [email protected] ???? Contact: / discord ???? Zapraszam do ulicki: / m3ga___ ????I place this video under the right of quotation regulated in art. 29 of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights. On the basis of quotation, we can use fragments of other people's works in our videos. ⌚ List: 0:00 - 0:15 - Dejvid 0:16 - 0:53 - Sponsored Segment 0:54 - 1:12 - Suchar, RandomBruce 1:13 - 1:19 - Pyka 1:20 - 1:39 - Suchar, RandomBruce 1:40 - 3:08 - Dejvid, Mikrocypek 3:09 - 3:19 - Gucio 3:20 - 3:40 - Lempiank 3:41 - 3:57 - Ortis 3:58 - 4:24 - Nervarien, Gangamurun, Remsua 4:25 - 4:58 - Izak 4:59 - 5:11 - Pago 5:12 - 5:17 - TechnikKowal 5:18 - 5:47 - Dejvid, Mikrocypek 5:48 - 6:21 - Suchar, Menders 6:22 - 6:58 - Suchar 6:59 - 7:11 - K4rolinv 7:12 - 7:18 - Gucio 7:19 - 7:28 - Pajalock 7:29 - 7:38 - Patiro 7:39 - 8:09 - Izak 8:10 - 8:28 - Suchar 8:29 - 8:48 - Gangamurun, Remsua, Kasix 8:49 - 9:03 - Pago 9:04 - 9:10 - Kaleson, Mork 9:11 - 9:24 - Pashabiceps 9:25 - 9:35 - Izak 9:36 - 9:45 - Suchar 9:46 - 10:02 - Blacksmith Technician 10:03 - 10:17 - Rybson, Paris Platynov 10:18 - 10:31 - Pago 10:32 - 10:42 - Tuszol 10:43 - 10:51 - Popo, Bagietson 10:52 - 11:06 - Rybson 11:07 - 11:15 - Cygus 11:16 - 11:30 - Enigma 11:31 - 11:57 - Kasix 11:58 - 12:11 - Remsua 12:12 - 12:24 - Cygus 12:25 - 12:40 - Pashabiceps 12:41 - 13:00 - TechnikKowal 13:01 - 13:08 - Bonkol 13:09 - 13:33 - DANCE (Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes (MOORAH Remix)) #shots #twitch #funnymoments #m3ga #advertisement