We were called to remove a swarm from a fruit farm. According to the owner, he had seen it 17 days ago. It was a beautiful, giant swarm that had to be removed immediately because it was very close to the house. There were mango trees nearby, and mangoes could have fallen on the swarm. It was a beautiful rescue. Katia found the queen very quickly. The bees entered the box beautifully. If you liked the video, leave a like and share it so that it can reach more people. Thank you all. May God bless your life and beekeeping. Email: [email protected] Instagram: @juliano_abelha. Postal Box: Juliano Rocha de Souza Cordeiro. Zip Code: 29, 745-000. Caixa d'água neighborhood: Rua Valdemar ott, num. 144 São Domingos do Norte ES #capture #rescue #beginners #julianoabelha #apis #rescue #capture #katia #animal scientist #pollen #beekeeping #apiculture #bees #bees #honey #meliponario #animal science #honey #pollination #pollen #propolis #sustainability #biodiversity #capture #love #healthyfood #julianoabelha #apismellifera #apiary #apis #queen #princess #instagram #obstinacy #gratitude #god