Telegram community - https://t.me/BishopAugustine Or type BishopAugustine or Bishop Augustine in the Telegram search. Be sure to watch the previous video, in which Bishop Augustine reflects on how to treat questions that arise in a person, as well as why people have so many questions today - • Answers to subscribers' questions. Introduction Time codes 02:17 - What happens during confession and how are confession and repentance related? 03:58 - Is it possible to communicate with God without intermediaries? 8:35 - Why is man designated as a slave in prayers and in Scripture? Are we not God's children? 11:08 - About the fact that the Holy Scriptures have reached us with distortions 21:25 - Why do Christians violate the commandment "thou shalt not kill"? 30:21 - How to determine the true will of God in a particular matter, choice, decision? 38:29 – Are the concepts of forgiveness and forgetting different? How can I know or feel whether the Lord has forgiven my sin or not? 47:21 – What are sorrows and how should I treat them correctly? 53:59 – About Russian saints 56:11 – Bad thoughts, what should I do? I have not committed a sin for a year, but thoughts and memories of it haunt me. 1:00:04 – At work, they undeservedly slander me, accuse me of things that are not my fault, and try to shift the blame onto me. How can I maintain peace in my soul and not get irritated? 1:07:35 – Since joining the Church, my usual life has begun to collapse. Why is this happening? 1:12:47 – Adultery – what is it? What should a divorced person do, get married or experience sorrow in the flesh? 1:21:40 – Marriages in which there are no children or sick children are born – are they not blessed by God? 1:30:50 – What can I do for my loved ones who, despite a terminal illness, do not want to confess and receive communion? 1:33:58 – My wife and I want to move to a natural environment, but we cannot agree.