#pricesadijanom Majka Munira is 61 years old, has a crooked spine and several other diagnoses, as she tells us in the interview. Her heart is weak and she takes medicine every day, but that should not prevent her from doing all the men's and women's jobs. It has to be, he tells us. She takes care of her daughter Amela alone, and a man has not existed in their lives for years. They have several sheep in their possession and live on social assistance which amounts to 175 KM. They manage in various ways to survive, fortunately as they have learned. Thanks to the viewers, Munira recently received several meters of firewood, and today also hay for her sheep. Until today, she only had straw and cared a lot for her small flock. Sincere and, in spite of everything, infinitely grateful to both God and people, this time they joked a lot, and I enjoyed it. Welcome to another story show with Dijana.