The actions of the Mole of season 20! All actions are discussed in the final episode at the table in VondelCS with presenter Rik van de Westelaken and the ten candidates. How did the Mole act? For all the news about Who is the Mole?, go to wieisdemol.nl General game explanation: Ten candidates travel abroad together and carry out all kinds of assignments together. With these assignments they earn money for the pot, but this only works if they work well together. But... one of the candidates is a cheater: the Mole. His or her goal is to sabotage the assignments so that as little money as possible ends up in the pot. The candidate who manages to unmask the Mole ultimately wins the pot of money and is the winner of Who is the Mole? Who is the Mole? is a format of Woestijnvis and is produced by IDTV. Follow WIDM also on: / wieisdemol / wieisdemol.avrotros / wieisdemol