Its length is 73 meters, its wingspan is close to 80 meters from below, and its maximum take-off weight is 575 tons. Most airlines transport 550 passengers with it, but its maximum capacity is 850 people. 17 years ago, the Airbus A380 took off for the first time. A young type that broke many records, but its production was stopped not long ago. Did the huge flying whale appear in the sky too early or just too late compared to Jumbo? How did the airports have to prepare to receive the Superjumbo? What kind of logistics was required to transport the huge parts by air, road and water? What innovations did the type bring? And what did the Airbus A380 give the industry? Géza Zainkó, the exhibition manager of the Aeropark, tells about this. As of December 2021, the global A380 fleet has carried more than 300 million passengers to around 70 destinations and completed more than 800,000 flights for 7.3 million block hours. More than 50% of A380 flights originated from and arrived in the Asia-Pacific region. In December 2016, Emirates opened the Dubai-Doha flight, which became the shortest A380 route at 1 hour and 10 minutes. (Editor: Balázs Kránitz) If you would like to support the rebirth of the airplanes on display in the Aeropark: Donation by bank transfer: 10101360-03379200-01003004 Air Transport Cultural Center Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Please write: donation in the comments section) More information here: www.aeropark.hu