Check out our courses: https://www.supremotv.com.br/ The Direct Action of Unconstitutionality by Omission (ADO) is a form of concentrated and abstract control of constitutionality. It allows the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to declare the unconstitutionality of the government's failure to fulfill constitutional duties, whether in the drafting of laws or in the adoption of measures necessary to comply with the Constitution. The ADO is an important tool to guarantee the effectiveness of constitutional norms and the protection of fundamental rights, enabling the STF to play an active role in defending the supremacy of the Constitution. Professor Luis Henrique Zouein is responsible for guiding you in this exclusive class on the subject. Happy studying! ???? Be sure to follow us on social media! We post free tips and content daily on all of them: Instagram: / supremotv Facebook: / supremo.concursos Telegram: bit.ly/TelegramSupremo Supreme Court Blog: https://blog.supremotv.com.br/