The meanings of the names of the 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran, their situations according to religions, what is written about them in the Quran and other religious texts, narratives in the Talmud, Mishnah, Midrash and apocryphal Christian texts, and the mythological origins of some prophets. ► All sources are included in the video. It is also pinned at the top as a comment. To support my publishing: ●► You can use Super Chat or Super Thanks, ●► You can become a member from Patreon or Join. ● Patreon: / dinvemitoloji ● Join: / @dinvemitoloji ► KICK: https://kick.com/DinveMitoloji ► MY SIDE CHANNEL: / @cizgilitarih ► QURAN ANALYSIS: • QURAN ANALYSIS You can help the channel grow and the videos reach more people by using the like and share buttons, thank you. ● CONTACT : [email protected] 00:00 Opening 00:11 Hz Adam 03:25 Hz Idris 05:53 Hz Noah 09:51 Hz Hud 11:56 Hz Salih 15:14 Hz Ibrahim 21:03 Hz Lut 25:11 Hz Ismail 30:06 Hz Isaac 32:17 Hz Jacob 35:41 Hz Yusuf 41:05 Hz Shuayb 42:12 Hz Musa 55:00 Hz Harun 01:00:06 Hz David 01:05:40 Hz Sulayman 01:11:26 Hz Ayyub 01:17:34 Hz Zulkuf (Zulkifl) 01:21:00 Hz Yunus 01:24:25 Hz Elijah 01:26:36 Hz Elisha 01:27:55 Hz Zechariah 01:32:18 Hz Yahya 01:35:30 Hz Isa (Yehoshua) 01:40:37 Hz Muhammad 01:51:48 Closing #religion #mythology #religionandmythology #adam #idris #noah #hud #salih #prophet #prophets #islam #islam #quran #verse #tribes #thamud #ad #flood #sumer #babylon #gilgamesh #adapa #enlil #enki #ziusudra #utnapishtim #ancientsumer #ancientkabeli #torah #bible #psalms #angels #enoch #hermes #thoth #mesopotamia #hzadem #hzidris #hznuh #hzhud #hzsalih #lifeoftheprophets #ibrahim #lut #ismail #ishak #yakub #hzibrahim #hzlut #hzismail #hzishak #hzyacob #brahma #sara #sodom #kaaba #temple #circumcision #sacrifice #daughters of luth #daughters of luth #ancientegypt #yusuf #hzyusuf #shuayb #mose #hzmusa #aron #hzharun #david #hzdavid #hosea #samiri #goldencalf #kingdavid #sargon #kingsargon #legend #solomon #hzsolomon #zulkifl #dolphin #hzyunus #ilyas #hzilyas #jinn #elisha #hzzelisha #zechariah #hzzechariah #yahya #baptist #jesus #hzisa #muhammad #hzmuhammad #kaaba #umayya #abbasi #najran #arabia #ignorance #elisha #yahweh #el #satan #hirod #sirah #sunan