SHORT COURSE IN ANTHROPOLOGY. 2. The human person. I. The human person. II. Man = person?: 1) The designated and the connoted. 2) Mode and degree of being. III. “Most perfect” among all those in existence. 1) Dignity and singularity. 2) The dignity of the person. 3) The singularity of the person. IV. The supreme value of what is unique. 1) Each person, unique and unrepeatable. 2) Value, dignity and price. Edufamilia. @Tomás Melendo Granados (The same topic, better explained, cheap online family master Edufamilia UPAEP anthropological orientation, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of the family; www.edufamilia.com • Resolving conflicts positively (B... Index 0:27 What do we mean when we talk about a person 0:38 Index 1:09 Why a “human” person (and not simply a person) 1:50 There are people above the human: angels and God (triune) 2:35 The human person is not the supreme way of being a person 3:00 Personal attributes (knowledge, freedom) are given in man in a limited but real way: he is truly a person 4:30 Although man's freedom is not absolute, it is truly freedom; although his knowledge is not perfect, it is authentic knowledge 5:02 When speaking of the human person as something “different” from man, we have to delve deeper into that difference 6:03 Is it the same to say “man” what “human person”? 6:25 What is designated or pointed out and what is connoted or underlined 7:40 Venus: evening star and morning star 8:35 Cervantes, plays of Don Quixote, and one-handed man of Lepanto 11:15 What is relevant to the person, what is connoted 11:58 Man connotes a way of being; person connotes a supreme degree of being 15:00 Person: higher or supreme degree: perfectissimum in tota natura. Underlines his incomparable greatness 15:40 Person indicates singularity and dignity 17:19 Dignity indicates a superior worth 18:00 Person = superiority in being and individuality 18:50 Person, extreme or superlative singularity, singularity in the supreme degree 20:03 Inferior realities, less singular; Spanish: higher realities, more singular 21:35 Unique and unrepeatable 22:18 Irreplaceable. Nothing and no one can replace it. 24:20 Singularity, responsibility and commitment; what I don’t do, no one can do for me 25:52 Incomparable by nature. There is no “normal” or “abnormal”. Its best version. 29:00 Unamuno: “Do not believe yourself to be more or less or equal to anyone else, we men are not quantities…” 30:15 Each person, absolutely valuable 30:30 Dignity and extreme singularity or uniqueness. Each person is unique. 33:30 Kant: value, dignity and price; equivalent 34:35 The price indicates a lower type of worth; dignity, a supreme worth. Money. 35:50 People do not have a price, but dignity, which is a much higher mode of value 36:20 Buying or selling people is prostitution 36:41 Person: superiority in being or in extreme goodness and uniqueness 37:20 Person indicates more than man 38:58 Treating man well: making his greatness and his limitation or even his meanness compatible; underlining his greatness 40:17 Goethe: “Man must be treated better than he is…” 42:20 Dignity demands reverence, veneration and, ultimately, love 41:42 Summary of what has been seen