How to join the data science community? About the differences between data scientist, data analyst, data engineer, and who does what? What is the difference between Machine Learning and Data Science? What do they have in common and how do their jobs differ? On October 21, 2018, the Open Data Science community meeting was held at the Yandex Moscow office. We tried out a new format: the program was not defined in advance, but was compiled based on audience requests. We collected more than 500 applications from participants and answered the most popular and interesting questions. Alexey Natekin Graduate of the Mathematics and Mechanics Department of St. Petersburg State University, postgraduate student at TUM. Founder and good-natured dictator of Open Data Science (2015). Founder of the machine learning competition platform Data Souls. Previously, founder of DM Labs, CDO Diginetica, ex-Deloitte, ex-Siemens. Download slides: https://yadi.sk/i/TOYNLLc56CBqIw You can watch recordings of other reports on the event page: https://events.yandex.ru/events/ds/21...