On January 5, Russian Z-military units reported that Ukrainian forces in Kursk launched a counteroffensive. The attacks from the Armed Forces of Ukraine were confirmed by the Center for Countering Disinformation, as well as the Office of the President. Israeli military observer David Sharp @DavidSharp-eu1on told everything known about the course of events in Kursk, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to create a bridgehead in August 2024 on Channel 24. Der Spiegel indicates that the unexpected offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region two weeks before the inauguration of US President-elect Donald Trump on January 20 may indicate Russia's weakness. Journalists suggest that Kyiv may thus seek to gain more advantageous positions on the eve of possible negotiations to end the war. Watch the full video here - https://www.youtube.com/live/oZ1GjHXt... Channel 24 launches podcasts! Find us on various platforms convenient for you: https://linktr.ee/podcast24tv.ua #vsu #sharp #kursk #24channel #news #news #warukraine2025 #warukraine2025 #newsukraine #newsukraine #onlinenews #onlinenews #freshnews #freshnews