#Peasant_Fateer_Mashltat_Like_You_Make_Mashltat_Fateer_The_Original_Method #With_One_Ingredient_For_Fateer_You_Will_Be_Amazed_By_The_Result #Mashltat_Fateer #Fateer #Safiya_Yahya_Kitchen The soft, flaky, flaky fate in the most beautiful and easiest way and perfectly cooked. I hope you try it the same way ???? Ingredients 1 kg of all-purpose flour 8 cups In a regular tea mug 200 grams of butter 1 cup 150 grams of ghee 1 cup minus a quarter 50 grams of oil 1/4 cup 3 cups of water and a quarter, minus a little 685 grams It can be less, depending on the type of flour Cup capacity 200 grams 1 small spoon of salt 7 grams 100 grams of semolina flour Half a cup Fateer Mashltat, Fateer Mashltat Fateer, Fateer Mashltat, How to make Fateer Mashltat, Fateer Mashltat Fateer, How to make Fateer Mashltat Fateer Fresh, original peasant pie, peasant pie, making peasant pie, how to make peasant pie, making peasant pie, pie, Egyptian peasant pie, how to make peasant pie, peasant pie in a pan, peasant pie in its original form, pie, pie, pie with sugar, how to make pie, pie with sugar and milk, flaky pie, peasant pie, how to make pie, pie with sugar, pie with fat pie, Egyptian pie, pie, making pie, peasant pie, bagha pie, peasant pie, fried pie, pies, pie method, pie method, pie mashaltat, pie, pie, making peasant pie, pie mashaltat, pie mashaltat Peasant, Pies