Hello everyone, we meet today for a new video on a large corn threshing site in the Médoc with SNC Gaultier & Fils! On the program in this video, a John Deere X9 1100 accompanied by its Geringhoff 16-row header at 60 cm. You will also discover an 8R410 with a Krampe trailer and an 8RX410 that you were able to discover on the channel during the preparations for corn sowing in April, with a full Gregoire and Besson set (Eponia front tank and Discordon cultivator). As a bonus, a little tour in the cabin with Laurent Gaultier, to ask him a few questions about his machine and the site of the day! I leave you with a nice surprise at the end of the video, so stay until the end!!???? I hope you enjoy watching and don't forget to like and share this video!!! FACEBOOK: Agri View INSTAGRAM: agri_view TIKTOK: AgriView #JOHNDEERE #HARVEST #CORN #MAIS #HARVEST #BIGFARM