My website: https://carintrade.ru/?utm_source=you... My telegram channel: https://t.me/carintrade/ To calculate the price of a car from Korea, you can send a link to an ad on encar.com, or clearly indicate the parameters: 1. Brand, model 2. Engine, gearbox, drive 3. List of options without which the purchase will not take place 4. Limitations on mileage, colors, budget In this video, we discuss how to buy a car in Korea, how to understand the encar.com website, what information it provides and what it does not. We consider examples of fraud so that you do not fall for the bait of unscrupulous intermediaries. And most importantly, I tell you in all the details and numbers how we work. Checking the history of a car from Korea (possibly via VPN): www.carhistory.or.kr 0:00 Hello, friends! 1:00 How to use the encar.com website 14:10 Where you can be deceived 19:06 How we work Offer your car for review: [email protected] or telegram @pavelcarin My channels: Yandex.Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/pavelcarin VKontakte: https://vk.com/pavelcarin Telegram: https://t.me/carinpavel My archive: Materials in Autoreview: https://clck.ru/KZgmx Texts in Drive: https://clck.ru/KZgYy Videos in Drive: https://clck.ru/KZgok