A simple and quick, and also a delicious recipe for dinner. We cook dinner in one pan for the whole family. Tasty and fast. RECIPE: onion 2 pcs. carrot 1 pc. oil 3 tbsp. butter 40 - 50 g. minced meat 500 g. garlic 3 cloves. pasta 500 g. salt, pepper, spices to taste. water. DISHY! #dinner #delicious #honesthousewife #pans #pasta #macaroniwithmincedmeat #quickdinner #deliciousrecipe #quickrecipe #whattocook #dinnerrecipe #pastarecipe #dinnerin30minutes #food #cooking #food #whattocookfordinner #simplerecipe #quick #delicious RECIPE: onion 2 pcs. carrot 1 pc. melted butter 3 tbsp. butter 30-40 gr. minced meat 500 gr. garlic 2 cloves. pasta 500 gr. salt, pepper, spices to taste. water. Bon appetit! OUR PLAYLISTS: APPETIZERS! SALADS! PASTE: • APPETIZERS AND SALADS! PASTE! PIZZA! FRIED PIE! CAKES! DESSERTS!: • Pizza! FRIED PIE! CAKES! DESSERTS! PASTE ALL PREPARATIONS FOR WINTER!: • PREPARATIONS FOR WINTER. FIRST COURSES! • FIRST COURSES! SECOND COURSES! • SECOND COURSES! QUICK BREADS! DINNERS! • QUICK BREADS! DINNERS! BREAD! • BREAD! SHORTS! SHORT VIDEOS! • SHORTS. SHORT VIDEOS!