In the new episode, we dive deep into the landscapes of the mind. My guest is psychologist, psychotherapist and non-fiction writer Katja Myllyviita, with whom we discuss shame and jealousy. At the beginning of the episode, we discuss shame. Shame is a complex and often painful theme that affects us all. Katja offers concrete ways to identify and treat shame, including through self-compassion. Did you know that the environment plays just as big a role in treating shame as you do? From shame, we move on to jealousy. What is healthy jealousy and when does it become harmful? Why are jealousy and shame so closely linked? Katja explains how our different emotional systems – the threat, activation and calming systems – affect the manifestation of jealousy. There are several different levels of jealousy. What are they and how do you recognize them? We also discuss different forms of violence and how to recognize mild signs of emotional violence, such as belittling, blaming, and ignoring. Katja gives concrete advice on what to do if you notice harmful jealousy in yourself and how to safely express it to your partner. Listen to the episode! You can find more information about Katja on her website https://psykoterapiakatjamyllyviita.w.... Also check out the non-fiction books written by Katja: https://www.duodecim.fi/2024/05/30/ka.... I am a psychologist, business coach, and the founding member and CEO of OK5 Oy. My passion is helping organizations and leaders succeed in their work. In the podcast, I share content on themes related to change, success at work, peak performance, a good life, and the human mind. See more about me at https://www.ilonarauhala.fi/ and https://www.ok5.fi. Facebook: / ilonarauhalapsykologi Instagram: / ilonarauhala OK5 Executive Circle: https://executivecircle.ok5.fi/ OK5: https://www.ok5.fi/ My personal website: https://www.ilonarauhala.fi/ #podcast #psychologist #psychology #psychotherapy #psychotherapist #shame #jealousy #violence #emotionalintelligence #self-awareness #relationship #emotionalmanagement #informationbook #podcastfinland