???? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? → https://codigofonte.click/hostinger We analyzed some vacancies for junior programmers in 2023. We did this test in 2021 and we want to know if the opportunities are improving. Companies definitely need to better align their expectations in relation to the junior professionals we have in the market. Opening opportunities for those who are now entering the market is ensuring that future seniors are active in the market and generating value for the business. ???? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? → Our Analysis of Job Vacancies in 2021: • We Test Our Patience by Reacting to V... ????️ Compiled Podcast → YouTube: https://codigofonte.click/canalcompilado → Spotify: https://codigofonte.click/compiladosp... → Newsletter: https://compilado.codigofonte.com.br ???? More links from Código Fonte TV → https://codigofonte.tv #Vagas #Reagindo #DevJr #Vlog233