What's up BOYS...BLZ? TODAY'S SHIP is a 1973 Beetle STANDARD 1600 aspirated, which would leave any new car HEADLIGHTS CRYING... The car originally came with 1300 mechanics, changed to 1600 and along with it came some EVIL things that left FUBEKA a torpedo!! In terms of aesthetics, the ship has a THIEF R888 tire, lexan, an aluminum seat and even a blocker to extract all the power expected from the 1600 ASPIRADO ALREADY ENOUGH OF FLYING IN THE PLAY!!! PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE CHANNEL: [email protected] DISCOUNT COUPON: mbotelho 11% discount discount coupon valid for products that are not yet on sale on the WEBSITE!!!! https://brasil.fuscanet.com/ DISCOUNT COUPON: MBOTELHO10 10% discount on the entire SITE!!!! https://www.sobuzinas.com.br/ Our Sponsors CSL CROMAÇÃO R. Pinhalzinho, 195 - Chácara California, São Paulo 11-2091-1983 11-96861-2511 http://cslcromacao.com.br/ instagram: https ://instagram.com/cslcromacao?igs... FF EMBRAGENS TV. José Carobene, 35 - Jardim Luísa, São Paulo - SP (11) 3781-8677 instagram: https://instagram.com/ff_embreagens?i... FUSCANET Address: Rua Thomaz Albornoz 838 - Santana do Livramento / RS 55 - 3244 -1863 - 55 - 99130-9561 https://brasil.fuscanet.com/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/fuscanetvwshop?... HORN ONLY 11 - 2737-9188 11 - 97388-3114 https://www .sobuzinas.com.br/ https://buzineiro-sp.mercadoshops.com... Instagram: https://instagram.com/sobuzinassp?igs... Images/Edition: Marco Botelho Our partner networks facebook: / marcoaurelio . . instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marco_botel... #marcobotelho #vwstandard #aspirado #fusca #porsche #vw #classicos #aircooled #fusca #vocho #fusca1300 #volkswagen #vintage #volkswagen #vwfusca #fuscaaspirado