VLOG Falls COMPLETELY into the water ???????? We are hanging up our NEW GIANT TV from LG!! LG NanoCell TV ????Advertising - Here you can find the LG NanoCell 4K TV: https://bit.ly/Tisi_LGNanoCell_YT All of the following links are advertising. ❗️ Our fashion brand TNO http://bit.ly/TISIxTNO ❗️ ???? Our partners ???? ✅ Levlup 5% with code “TISI” http://bit.ly/TISIxLEVLUP ✅ Displate 37% automatic discount with the link https://bit.ly/Displate-x-Tisi ✅ VGO 3% with “tisikappa” http://bit.ly/TisiVGO ✅ Elgato - Everything for streamers http://bit.ly/ELGATOxTISI ✅ Smilodox 10% with “tisikappa” http://bit.ly/TISIxSMILO ???? Become a member of the exclusive VIP army http://bit.ly/VIPARMY ???? ???? Our official channels ???? ✅ Our main channel http://bit.ly/TISI-CREW ✅ Stream highlights http://bit.ly/TISIxHIGHLIGHTS ✅ Tisi Clips http://bit.ly/TISICLIPS ✅ INSTA http://bit.ly/TISIxINSTA ✅ TWITTER http://bit.ly/TISIxTWITTER ✅ Apollo http://bit.ly/TISIxAPOLLO ???????????????? OUR CREW ???????????????? ???????? TISI http://bit.ly/TISI-CREW ???????? BROSKI http://bit.ly/BROSKI-CREW ???? BENJI http://bit.ly/BENJI-CREW ???? STEINI http://bit.ly/KELLER-CREW ✅ Donations http://bit.ly/TISI-DONO ???? IMPRINT ???? TISI SCHUBECH C/O Fairplay-Management GmbH Schauenburger Str. 116 24118 KIEL ???? Business inquiries: [email protected] ???? #LGNanoCellTV #4KTV #RiesigerTV