The truck damaged the springs and the fender in the watermelon field, and on the road friends passed us and didn't stop to help, things that sadden us on the road. thank you for always strengthening the like and helping us in the comments, thanks Bastion 🫶 Follow me on Instagram daily content, questions and answers .. 👇👇⬇️⬇️ INSTAGRAM®️ https://www.instagram.com/mit_muricoc... =pt-br also follow the FACEBOOK page 👇👇👇✔️ exclusive content .. / mit-muri%c3%a7oca-553782875007011 And don't forget to follow our partners: Buy parts 👇🏻 https://www.comprepecasacabamentos.co... Elber refrigerator 👇🏻 https://conteudo.elber.ind.br/mit Fretebras👇🏻 https://fretebras.onelink.me/hyS0/mit