What is collective intelligence? How to implement it within your company? Welcome to this episode of the GERME podcast “Graine inspirante” on management! David Rival interviews Pascale Gentil. This interview will be punctuated by musical moments by Thierry Claudon and the testimony of Djibril, local manager. Pascale is a facilitator of an Emergence group, a doctor and has defended a thesis on “How local managers develop an ability to mobilize collective intelligence within their teams”. In this podcast you will discover in particular: How to combine letting go and performance? How to find the right posture to strengthen team dynamics? How to implement collective success and team cohesion processes What is the definition of Theory U? It is “understanding things not through numbers, but also with your heart and by connecting to the reality of the other.” This theory models how employees connect to themselves, to a deep intention, and communicate it to a group so that it connects to it too. How to apply theory U in concrete terms? 1/ Start with real listening, this can be done through empathic walking. This second level of reading, more subtle, more objective, in full awareness allows us to understand from the point of view and the real perception of the other. 2/ Open up to the intelligence of the heart. An example of societal commitment with an association that fights against exclusion, and which has chosen to have its beneficiaries participate in the Vendée Globe. Here, no direct economic or performance result but a formative experience. 3/ Take inspiration from inspiring stories, or immerse yourself in the reality of another. This is the case when you visit other companies... Why and how to pay attention to others when you have several interlocutors in a team? Answer in this episode! How to move from theory U to practice? Practice listening fully by connecting with someone Listen to yourself more, find time to sit down and gain perspective: for yourself and for your teams Dare to experiment and give yourself the right to make mistakes, in order to find your posture Thank you to our 3 speakers in this podcast for their authenticity. Stay tuned, there are plenty of podcasts on management to discover with the inspiring seed of GERME! NB: Thesis "How do local managers develop the ability to mobilize the collective intelligence of their teams" prepared at the University of Rennes 1, CREM laboratory, under the supervision of Frédérique Chédotel, defended on 3/12/2021 at the IGR.