English: AVANT TOLEDO MADRID AVE RENFE MEDIUM DISTANCE HIGH SPEED #trains TO TOLEDO FROM MADRID You can go from Madrid to #toledo with the AVANT Medium Distance service of #renfe in high speed. The train arrived in Toledo in 1858, but only for a brief period had connection with the rest of the peninsula. In this video I explain the history of the train to Toledo and how to get there from Madrid-Atocha. INDEX 00:00 By train to Toledo 00:33 Avant Toledo 01:41 Train journey Madrid-Toledo 03:05 Toledo Station 04:10 Walk through Toledo 05:17 Bargas-Toledo Railway 06:39 The great flood of February 1947 07:15 Castillejo-Toledo Railway and the NAFA 08:00 Madrid - Puerta de Atocha