Before doing something, you need to consult. Firstly, because you don’t know how to do it. Secondly, because you may be advised who can do it for you. And thirdly, because you may be advised not to do it at all. Residents of our Town usually consult with the third option in mind, and their calculations usually pay off. There are so many advisers that they have started to flock. The flocks are called associations and, judging by the advertising, they are always recommending something – chewing gum, toothbrushes, contraceptives. But it’s one thing to advise, and quite another to follow this advice. For example, judging by the fact that the number of advisers is constantly growing, they do not use contraceptives. And only occasionally does advice appear that is worth following. For example, not watching the new program “Town on Advice” is simply ridiculous. However, if you watch it, it will be funny too! Although it is not simple... Money, like brains, belong to the class of things that many lack. True, for some reason they complain only about the lack of money. Perhaps because the lack of money can be somehow compensated for - it is enough to simply earn extra money somewhere. True, in the conditions of the crisis it is difficult to do. After all, this crisis itself appeared precisely because those who had enough money did not have enough brains, and now they lack both. And what is especially offensive is that someone did not have enough brains, and now everyone does not have enough money. And if before many hoped to live well, now they say that it would be good to survive. But if you remember the famous expression "Humanity survived because it laughed", we have a good chance. Watch the new program "Survival Town", and you will see for yourself! "V Gorodok" is a weekly comedy show from the creators of "Gorodok" Ilya Oleynikov and Yuri Stoyanov, which aired on the "Rossiya" channel from 2002 to 2006. The program's duration is 8 minutes. The writing group of the "V Gorodok" show included six Odessans and one Novosibirsk resident: Vladimir Trukhnin, Irina Poltorak, Svetoslav Pelishenko, Aleksey Karanovich, Igor Osipov, Yan Gelman, Oleg Rosiin [source not specified for 407 days]. The show aired on Sundays at 19:50 (before "Vesti Nedeli"). As a rule, each episode was dedicated to some current calendar event. A total of 155 episodes were aired over 4 years. Since 2002, parallel to the releases of the program Gorodok, on Sundays at 11:50, the releases of "V Gorodok" (In the Town) are released, collected 4 pieces into one digest. At the same time, some of the stories (2-4) are cut by the studio producer due to the program's time limit of 24 minutes. The working title of the program: "Small Town" In June 2006, the program ceased to exist.