As we often say, there is no single correct posture. There are many postures and each has its own reason. However, there are areas that, if they have problems or dysfunctions, cause pain that, over time, turns into pathologies. In this video, we talk about Tinnitus and Temporomandibular Joint: We show you some manual approach strategies, aimed at reducing tension on your ear and the adjacent structures involved. We have a series of 3 videos related to this crucial joint for our health and posture. You can also integrate these exercises with those seen in the previous videos: Cervical. Temporomandibular Joint 1) The tricks on the Temporomandibular Joint that osteopaths use to treat the Cervical and Posture • The tricks on the Temporomandibular Joint ... Cervical Bruxism. Temporomandibular Joint 2) The secrets to alleviate facial pain, Bruxism and tension • The secrets to alleviate facial pain ... Tinnitus. Temporomandibular Joint 3) Tinnitus: 8 exercises to reduce whistling and noises, thanks to osteopathic and posture techniques • Tinnitus: 8 exercises to reduce th... Another affected area often linked to the temporomandibular joint is the tongue. Tongue 1) Did you know that the tongue also has a correct posture? Try these 2 tests • Did you know that the tongue also has a pos... Tongue 2) Free your tongue with 7 exercises and find a correct posture! • Here are 7 exercises to free your tongue... In addition, the posterior and lateral occipital part also has a connection with the temporomandibular joint. Arnold's neuralgia 5) Press here and free the nerve that causes headache, pain in the nape of the neck and eye. Arnold's neuralgia • Press here and free the nerve that gives ce... Obviously all this is part of cranial osteopathy if you don't know what it is Here is a video you can't miss: Cranial Osteopathy: things that no one told you about cranial posture and health • Cranial Osteopathy: things that no one... With PosturaCorretta we want to introduce you to the methods and professions that can help you work on your posture and your health. Postural methods have been studying the mechanical, emotional, psychological factors that influence posture for years and are excellent tools for working on the body and health, but despite this they remain little known, because they are often long and complex to approach. There are many figures and professions that can be chosen today, but often it is not clear what their role is, neither to the patient nor to the professionals who perhaps work in another area of health and do not know the discipline. What are postural methods ( • Useful tools for a correct posture... ) Physiotherapy Osteopathy ( • Osteopathy: manual discipline to ... ) Craniosacral osteopathy ( • Cranial osteopathy: things that nes... ) The GDS method (here you can find the video • GDS method is there a correct posture? ) The Body and Consciousness method Chinese medicine Yoga We certainly don't want to replace schools such as #osteopathy #physiotherapy #bodyandconsciousness @catene_muscolari_gds These are schools of methods or health professions with a professional training path or to specialize in a method. 📉👩🏫👨🏫What we want to do instead with posturacorretta is to offer a simple practical path that can get you in touch with your body and with the methods that can help it function better. 👁🧠In addition to being more aware of how it works, you will also be more aware when you have to choose which approach to rely on when you need treatment, to train or to stay healthy! 🗺Furthermore, these notions are also fundamental for those who want to start an integrated path and want to be followed by multiple professionals. 👩💼🧑💼👩💼🩺👨🏼⚕️🧑⚕️👩⚕️Posture, physiotherapy are excellent points of connection and facilitate teamwork.