Program Contents: Takuya Heiwa, a young man who travels around Japan in search of unknown rocky shores, has chosen the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture as his stage for this episode. He will be trying his hand at cold-weather greba fishing at the rocky shores of Susaki, East Izu, in the middle of the season. The young man leaves his home on the Sea of Japan and heads for Izu, the "holy land of the Kanto area." However, he is hit head on by a strong northwest wind, making it difficult to even fish. Will he be able to catch a satisfying fish? ☟ Check out "Fishing Vision Club" if you want to know more! https://vod.fishing-v.jp/video-detail... ☟ A must-see for rock fishing fans! Check out past popular videos here! ☟ ■ Pursuing a good-sized long-tailed mullet on the rocks of Kitaura • Pursuing a good-sized long-tailed mullet on the rocks of Kitaura 'Running the Rocks 85 Heiwa Takuya x Kitaura, Miyazaki... ■ Tanaka teaches you how to efficiently catch the largest mullet in the Goto Islands, Part 1 • Tanaka teaches you how to efficiently catch the largest mullet in the Goto Islands 1/2 'I... Part 2 • Tanaka teaches you how to efficiently catch the largest mullet in the Goto Islands 2/2 'I... ■ Wrestling with a giant striped mullet on the rocks in late autumn, Part 1 • Wrestling with a giant striped mullet on the rocks in late autumn! 1/2 'Running the Rocks 69 Heiwa Takuya x Shizuoka... Part 2 • Wrestling with a giant striped mullet on the rocks in late autumn! 2/2 "Running the rocks 69 Takuya Heiwa x Shizuoka... #FishingVision #Rockfishing #Takuya Heiwa #Wintergre #Gremejina #Shimano #shimano #Grepower #KuwaseOkiami #Marukyu #fishing