Shiromotchi, the main angler of the Tsuri Musha Channel, is currently undergoing rehabilitation after breaking a bone. However, the seasons wait for no one, and the coast has entered the cold-weather grey mullet season! Tsuri Musha PR Officer Matchan, who cannot wait for Shiromotchi to recover, heads to the Kashino area of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, the southernmost tip of Honshu, in search of cold-weather grey mullet. This time, we are joined by a powerful helper who is also a Japanese cuisine chef! He will also teach you fish recipes that you can make at home with just the amount of fish you catch! It's good to fish! Please enjoy the content that is good to eat. #Tsurimusha #tsurimusha #Kashino #Kushimoto #Cold-weather grey mullet #Grey mullet fishing #Mejina fishing