Do you know which heroes and historical figures are in the Presbítero Maestro cemetery? Learn more about the lives of these illustrious citizens who are often forgotten. On TVPerú Noticias, the channel for all Peruvians, we provide you with up-to-date information about Peru, Latin America and the world, including national, sports, cultural, economic and technological news and coverage of official activities of President Dina Boluarte, Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzén and other ministries. We broadcast live programs via streaming and we are the news channel of the National Institute of Radio and Television of Peru (IRTP). #TVPerúNoticias Website ► https://www.tvperu.gob.pe/noticias Facebook ► / noticias.tvperu Twitter ► / noticias_tvperu Instagram ► / tvperunoticias Tiktok ► / tvperu.noticias 📅 TVPerú Noticias, channel 7.3, was launched on November 3, 2013 through digital terrestrial television (DTT), as part of the TV Perú multiplex. We offer local, national and world newscasts, being the Peruvian open television channel dedicated exclusively to news. NEWS, PERU, INFORMATION, CHANNEL 7, TVPERU NEWS, TVPERU, NEWS, NEWS TODAY, PERU NEWS TODAY, PERU NEWS, PERU NEWS, PERUVIAN TELEVISION, PERU, PERUVIANS ABROAD, LIMA AND CALLAO, PERUVIAN NEWS, LIVE NEWS, PERUVIAN NEWS LIVE, NEWS FROM PERU AND THE WORLD, STREAMING PERU, STREAMING NEWS, PERU PODCAST, PERUVIAN PODCAST, MORNING NEWS, ALLIES FOR SECURITY, NEWS NOW, NEWS TOMORROW, NEWS AFTERNOON, NEWS NIGHT, EXPRESS SPORTS, GEOMUNDO, FOOTBALL, ON THE WALL, OPEN DIALOGUE, ALL FOOTBALL, TODAY CLOSURE, PRESIDENT DINA BOLUARTE, POLITICS, PERU, PERUVIANS, PERU NEWS, PERU INFORMATION, PERUVIAN CONGRESS, PERU INSECURITY, LATEST NEWS, TODAY'S NEWS, LIVE NEWS, LIVE NEWS PERU, PREMIER, PRIME MINISTER GUSTAVO ADRIANZÉN, COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, PURPLE CORRIDOR, RAINS IN PERU, TORRENTIAL RAINS, TORRENTIAL RAINS IN PERU, PURPLE CORRIDOR SUSPENDED, JNJ, JNJ REPORT, JNJ CONGRESS, CHRONICLES, REPORTS, REPORT ON PERU, PRESBYTERO MAESTRO CEMETERY, PRESBYTERO MATÍAS MAESTRO CEMETERY MUSEUM, CEMETERY OF HEROES, LOS ANGELES CEMETERY, JOSE SANTOS CHOCANO, RICARDO PALMA, POETS IN THE PRESBYTERO MAESTRO CEMETERY, WRITERS IN THE PRESBYTERO MAESTRO CEMETERY, PRESIDENTS IN THE PRESBYTERO MAESTRO, HEROES IN THE PRESBYTERO MAESTRO, BARRIOS ALTOS