▬▬▬▬▬ Al-Razi ▬▬▬▬ Who is he? He is Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Omar bin Al-Hassan bin Al-Hussein Al-Taimi Al-Razi, nicknamed Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi, born in 544 AH, 1150 AD and died in 606 AH, 1210 AD. He was born in Rayy, Tabaristan. He acquired knowledge from the great scholars of his time, including his father, Diya Al-Din, until he excelled in various sciences. Al-Razi was a scholar of interpretation, theology, philosophy, principles, jurisprudence, and rhetoric, and participated in other sciences such as astronomy, medicine, arithmetic, engineering, and astronomy, until many scholars and students of knowledge in his time flocked to him. The Imam left many and varied writings in various sciences and knowledge, all of which indicate the abundance of his knowledge, the brilliance of his thought, and the diversity of his knowledge. The great scholars Zain Al-Din Al-Kashi and Al-Qutb Al-Misri graduated under his supervision. It was said that he died of poisoning. ▬▬▬▬▬ What does this book offer? ▬▬▬▬▬ The book of physiognomy by Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi is a valuable book in the science of physiognomy, which is a branch of the natural sciences that studies the inference of human morals, natures, and characteristics through his appearance, shapes, colors, and sayings. About the book: Objective: Al-Razi seeks in this book to provide a guide for humans to understand those around him and know their morals and natures through their physical features and behaviors. Methodology: The book relies on a precise scientific method, as Al-Razi links the external appearances of humans to their internal characteristics, relying on observations and experiments. Importance: This book is considered one of the most important references in the science of physiognomy, and it has greatly influenced subsequent studies in this field. Some of the points covered in the book: The relationship between the shape of the head and mental characteristics. The significance of the shape of the face on morals and characteristics. Interpretation of body movements and signals. Analyzing handwriting and knowing characteristics through it. Additional information: The book of physiognomy has been translated into several languages, and continues to attract the attention of researchers and scholars to this day. Note: One must be careful not to rely entirely on physiognomy in judging people, as humans are complex and changeable, and it is not possible to say precisely what their characteristics are based on their external appearance alone. It is recommended to read the book carefully and understand its purposes correctly, and avoid using it for bad purposes or to justify preconceived judgments. ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Audio. Voice ▬▬▬▬▬ Nizar Taha Hajj Ahmad ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our social media accounts ▬▬▬▬ Our TikTok account: / lisanarabi Our Instagram account: / lisanarabi Our Facebook account: / nlisanarabi Our Twitter account: / lisanarabi1 ▬▬▬▬ #Audiobook #Lisan_Arabi #Audiobooks #Physiognomy #Physiognomy #Fakhr_al-Din_al-Razi #al-Razi #Heritage_books #Arab_heritage #Psychology #Book_of_Physiognomy #Al-Razi_Physiognomy #Al-Razi_and_Physiognomy #Journey_in_Physiognomy