This is the series of visiting all stations. I visited all stations on the Ome Line, which is a unique line within Tokyo. Official website https://watanuki-w.jp Book: "The Diary of a Bus Route Employee in Adversity" https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4576231189 Book: "Illustrated Guide to Railway Stories So Fascinating You Won't Sleep" http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4537221070 Book: "The Mental Panic Button of a Station Staff Member Who Gets Yelled at" http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046057475 Online shopping for booklets sold at Comiket Winter https://wataru-w.booth.pm/items/1765768 Twitter / wataru_w Sub-channel / @w_watanuki Recommended videos • Recommended videos by Watanuki Wataru BGM Suzuhira-san / @suzu... Dova Syndrome https://dova-s.jp 魔王魂 https://maou.audio Map data (C)Google