???? Corrected exercise of the complete BAC! ✅ Newton's phenomenological law, 1st principle of thermodynamics, internal energy, methods ???? Chapters 00:00 BAC 2023 exercise - How long before hypothermia? 00:25 1) Dissipated power and thermal energy 01:28 2) Heat transfer and flow 02:08 3) First principle of thermodynamics 03:30 4) Differential equation: METHOD! Newton's phenomenological law 05:33 5) Dimensional analysis + numerical application 06:48 6) 7) Solution of the differential equation ▶️ Playlist ???? THERMODYNAMICS (Perfect gas, first principle, ΔU = W + Q) ???? Terminale Spé: • THERMODYNAMICS (Perfect gas, first... Subject to download (PDF): https://polivier.jimdofree.com/app/do... ???? Terminale Specialty Program Tle: Internal energy of a system. Microscopic aspects. Cite the different microscopic contributions to the internal energy of a system. First principle of thermodynamics. Heat transfer, work. Predict the direction of a heat transfer. Distinguish, in an energy balance, the term corresponding to the variation of the energy of the system from the terms corresponding to energy transfers between the system and the outside. Heat capacity of an incompressible system. Internal energy of an incompressible system. Use the expression for the variation of internal energy of an incompressible system as a function of its thermal capacity and the variation of its temperature to carry out an energy balance. Carry out the energy study of a thermodynamic system. Modes of heat transfer. Heat flux. Thermal resistance. Qualitatively characterize the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, radiation. Exploit the relationship between heat flux, thermal resistance and temperature difference, the expression of the thermal resistance being given.