Hello, You are on Mundo a Passeio! Today we went to Sítio do Pica-pau Amarelo in Monteiro Lobato/SP, on the Buquira farm, which is on Estrada do Livro, which goes to Caçapava and Taubaté. The farm belonged to Monteiro Lobato's grandfather, the Viscount of Tremembé, and was inherited by Lobato in 1911, when his grandfather passed away. According to reports, it was in this house that he wrote Urupês and Jeca Tatu. The place has a lake for fishing, a waterfall for swimming, a soccer field, a natural pool, a craft shop, artisanal and organic sweets and cookies, and a typical country lunch. A very pleasant place to spend the day. Did you like our tour? Have you visited the place? Share your experience. #SítiodoPicaPauAmarelo#Travel#Tours