The Power of LETTING GO Taoist Philosophy - Lao Tzu. If people live in this world and keep holding on, how can they see the vast sky? The power of letting go is the secret to living in accordance with the will of heaven, as the ancients taught: "Letting go is not a loss, but a return to the origin." In the tranquility of the soul, when people learn to let go of things that are no longer suitable, that is also when the new light of wisdom and peace begins to shine. Taoism reminds us that, like water flowing over rocks, gently but never stopping, letting go is blending into the natural flow, not bound by fame, profit or past pain. Look at the autumn leaf, gently leaving the branch without any regret. The leaf knows that falling is not the end, but returning to mother earth to nurture new life. People are the same, when letting go of the old, it creates conditions for better things to arise. The ancients said: "Without attachment, the sky and earth are vast." That is the great power of letting go, the key to peace and enlightenment. But letting go is not easy. It requires the courage to face yourself, to understand that what you hold on to is often just an illusion, a burden you put on your shoulders. The ancients taught: "Only when your heart is as light as a cloud, will your steps be as steady as a rock." Letting go does not make you weak, but helps you become stronger, because only when you know how to give up unnecessary things, will you have enough room for true values. Think of a mirror - only when the dust is wiped away, will the reflection become clear. The same is true of the soul, only when you let go of old things, pain or resentment, will you see clearly the nature of yourself and of life. Taoism advises that you should not fight against the flow of nature, but follow it. When you hold on too tightly, your mind will be tired. But when we let go, we will feel as light as a bird in the sky, freely spreading our wings. In letting go, there is no loss, only transformation and rebirth. So, people living in this world, do not be afraid to let go. Let the wind blow away the things that are no longer yours, leaving a peaceful sky in your heart. It is in that space that the seeds of wisdom and compassion will sprout, leading us to a more fulfilling life. We invite you to listen: Wish you a meaningful listening session! ____________________________________ Thank you for listening to this audio with me! For any questions, please contact: [email protected] Thank you! © Copyright belongs to: Audiobooks - Ancient learning #laotu #trietlycuocsong #trietlycuocsong #sachnoihay #audiobook #sachieum #co nhan #xu the #laotzu #daogiao #dao