The Face Thailand season 4 All Stars, an intense reality show with a competition to find the best models and models who will become the new rising stars of the entertainment industry under the supervision of 6 experienced mentors who are ready to overcome every obstacle in their way and set every campaign on fire!! The stage must be on fire once again as the competition to find Thailand's best model has begun in The Face Thailand Season 4 All Stars, which this time comes with a new challenge by gathering models and models from previous seasons to be selected once again under the supervision of the mentors. In addition to the familiar mentors Lukket-Metinee, Cris Horwang and B-Namthip, there are also 3 top Thai actresses and models who will act as co-mentors, namely Pim-Sonia and Ploy-Chermarn. And new mentor Sririta Jensen #TheFaceThailand #TheFaceThailandSS4 #TheFaceThailandSS4AllStars #MentorLukkade #MentorBee #MentorCris #MentorSririta #MentorPimsonya #MentorPloy #TeamLukkadeCris #TeamBeeRita #TeamPloySonia