A true jewel, or rather, THE JEWEL of the Portuguese Crown that was left to us was the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. With over 2 centuries of existence, it is one of the most emblematic Botanical Gardens in the world. It had been a long time since I had visited the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. I don't know why I had gone so many years without going, but I confess that the wait was worth it! What an incredible rediscovery! You can watch the 1st episode of this beautiful tour here: • Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden: a... On this visit, I was welcomed by none other than Marcus Nadruz, a national and global reference in Araceae research and - on this specific visit - he showed us a Botanical Garden from the perspective of Coordinator of Living Collections. A unique and exquisite work. Long live science and long live Brazilian researchers. Founded in 1808 by D. João, then Prince Regent of Portugal, the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden is famous for the exuberance and importance of its plant collections, as well as the beauty of its landscapes. Its two-hundred-year-old history is expressed in its monuments, buildings and works of art. Visitors can stroll along the alleys on foot or by electric car and see plants from various countries, visit the greenhouses (orchids, bromeliads, ferns and insectivorous plants) and the themed gardens and collections, such as the Japanese Garden, created in 1935 from the donation of 65 specimens of typical Japanese plants. In addition, of course, there is an entire section that concentrates the most diverse Araceae. Ok, there are Araceae in the entire garden. hehehe Among the monuments, the Visitors Center – a 16th century building – stands out, the statues of Echo and Narcissus made by Mestre Valentim, and the Portal of the Academy of Fine Arts, designed by Grandjean de Montigny. The Garden is also a good place for birdwatching. For tickets and information: https://jbrj.eleventickets.com/?lang=... Episodes I mentioned throughout this episode: Orlando Graeff's Phytogeographic Garden: • A SPECIAL GARDEN: the Phytogeographic Garden... Episode 1 of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden: • Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden: a... To the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, my many thanks! To Marcus Nadruz, what an honor, my dear... thank you very much. And if you like the t-shirts I wear in the episodes, here is the link where you can buy them: https://www.botanicastorebrasil.com.b... Use the coupon code ONIRICO and get discounts. Did you like it? Then leave a thumbs up. Are you a subscriber? Yes? Thank you very, very much. Not a subscriber? Do me this honor! Until next time, bye!