WE HAD A COMPETITION TO FIND OUT WHO IS THE BEST BELINHA SHOW COUPLE IN SÃO PAULO MAY 27, 2023 TICKETS: https://bit.ly/BELINHA-SAOPAULO-SP This video is a work of fiction for the public's entertainment. In today's video, the Joker decides to hold a best couple contest, but something unexpected happens. If you are curious to follow this new adventure, watch the video until the end and don't forget to subscribe here to Canal da Belinha to see more videos like this. #canaldabelinha #coringa #batgirl Contact email: [email protected] And don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM: @canaldabelinha TIKTOK: officialcanaldabelinha Attention: this video does not contain paid promotion for any type of advertiser, so that all products presented are spontaneous. WE HAD A COMPETITION TO FIND OUT WHO THE BEST COUPLE IS