"The gentle (r)evolution" - basic principles of gentle potential development. Intelligent cooperation with our brain. We are delighted to welcome Professor Gerald Hüther to our video studio for the first time. Look forward to an exciting conversation between him and Veit Lindau. All video interviews_ www.humantrust.com Vita Hüther, Gerald, Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. habil., neurobiologist. Head of the Academy for Potential Development. Studied biology, research studies and doctorate at the University of Leipzig, habilitation at the Medical Faculty of the University of Göttingen. Scientific activity at the Zoological Institute of the University of Leipzig and Jena, at the Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine Göttingen, as a Heisenberg Fellow of the DFG and at the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Göttingen. Scientific subject areas: influence of early experiences on brain development, effects of fear and stress and the importance of emotional reactions. He is the author of numerous scientific publications and popular science presentations (non-fiction author). Since 2015, he has been the director of the Academy for Potential Development. More information about Prof. Gerald Hüther can be found here: http://www.gerald-huether.de More information about Veit Lindau: www.veitlindau.com