"A Narrative" is the title of a series of conversations that narrates the personal and social experiences of well-known Iranian personalities. This special program tries to have a sincere and closer look at the life experience of familiar faces in their own words. In this issue, we have a conversation with Parviz Dastmalchi, a journalist and political activist in Berlin, to hear more from him about the assassination of the Mykonos restaurant on September 26, 1371 in Berlin. Parviz Dastmalchi was present at the Mykonos restaurant at the time of the assassination and was one of the main witnesses of this event in the court. ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Radio Farda; Contact time: Website: www.radiofarda.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/radiofarda Facebook: www.facebook.com/radio.farda Twitter: www.twitter.com/radiofarda_ Telegram Id: @fardagram Soundcloud: www.soundcloud .com/radio-farda TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@radio.farda