Professor and neuropsychopedagogue Claudia Linhares Lucas Ferreira, a member of the team at the Helena Antipoff Municipal Institute (IHA), and professor, speech therapist and pedagogue Fanni Hamphreis da Silva, who holds a master's degree in Health Sciences and is a member of the Helena Antipoff Municipal Institute (IHA), will give a lecture entitled The Contribution of Support Network Professionals to Special Education Target Audience Students. The continuing education course Special Education from the Perspective of Inclusive Education is held annually by the Helena Antipoff Municipal Institute and, in 2020, is being taught online in partnership with the Paulo Freire Training School and MultiRio. Contact: [email protected] Find out more at: http://www.epf.rio.br/ http://www.rio.rj.gov.br/sme/iha ========================================= Access MultiRio products whenever you want! On TV: channel 26 and HD channel 526 on NET-Rio Watch our programming online: https://goo.gl/e1PgkL MultiRio Portal: http://www.multirio.rj.gov.br/ ======================================= Check out MultiRio's profiles on social media: http://www.fb.com/multirio / multirio / multirio_oficial