Read our checklist for Difficult People here: https://bit.ly/moeilijkemensen-checklist Read our previous statement about the situation at DWDD here: https://bit.ly/boos-dwdd 2022 was an eventful year. By popular request, we are therefore looking back with the team at some old matters (sometimes even from before 2022) and discussing a number of updates. We also reflect on the events surrounding the Voice, make a few important phone calls on the spot and we still have to talk about the situation at De Wereld Draait Door. We wish you all a very good, warm, safe and cozy 2023. Lots of love from team BOOS. Angry too? Or do you want to blow the whistle? Email us at [email protected]! You are being scammed. An influencer does not deliver your product. A slum landlord abuses the market and chases you for extra costs. You can be gay somewhere, but not act gay. Your boss intimidates you at work. A law that is in your way and your life needs to change. It needs to be different. In short: you are angry! Then know where to find us, because we are happy to help you with big and small problems. Every Thursday at 4:00 PM on this channel! Here you can find our website: https://npo3.nl/boos Also follow us on Instagram: / boosbnnvara / debroervanroos / marijederoode