The Mortal Kombat series has introduced some of the most iconic and iconic characters in the fighting game scene to fans of the genre over the past few decades. Characters like Sub-Zero and Scorpion are synonymous with the fighting genre. Meanwhile, Mortal Kombat has also hosted many characters from outside the series who have appeared as guests in various versions of the series. These characters include comic book heroes and anti-heroes, enduring movie figures, and great characters from the video game world. The Mortal Kombat reboot, which laid the foundation for the current games in the series, celebrated its 10th anniversary a few days ago. On this occasion, we are going to review 10 of the best guest characters that have appeared in the series throughout its history. Stay tuned. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Click on the link below to become a member of the channel ???? https://t2m.io/OUAbEwDY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? Related videos ???? • Mortal Kombat game facts Mortal Komba... • Strange aspects of Mortal Kombat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????If you would like to read the article, click on the link below https://www.bazicenter.com/videos/bes... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? Follow Game Center on social networks ???? / bazicenter / bazicenter_official https://t.me/official_bazicenter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Mortal_Kombat #Mortal_Kombat #mortalkombat #Best #bazicenter